Thursday, March 22, 2018

What I learned in the life caravan

 Over the last week, I have learned about the human body and what happens when you go through puberty.

⬅️Here is some stuff my class has to say:

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


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Today I learned more vocabulary, prefix & what an auditor is.

Learn: To notice vocabulary that is unfamiliar in texts.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 8 Prototec result Week 8

I think I did better this week with the same score of 40/40 but this time I got it 46 seconds less.
So happy, maybe next week I can improve my time so I can be more flexible.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Lock Down


Lockdown is a process that we go through when
there is an emergency like a threat opposed by
another person. We did a drill today and this is
how it went

Step 1: The bell rang continuously, on off on off on
and off for at least a minute.
Step 2: we get down low to the ground and move to
the middle while someone locks the doors, closes the
windows & turns off the lights.
Step 3: we wait until it has been given the all clear by
either Mr Coakley(Our principal) or another head of
staff members.

Step  4: We all go outside to the back of our school to
our meet up point and sit down while they do they
register to make sure no one gets left behind.


What Are Virtues

Learn: To find the keywords to understand the meaning of virtue.
Explanation: A virtue is a quality that leads to good things, A virtuous person is someone who always tries to do good and to persevere in what is good even when it is difficult.